Four methods to keep property secure

It is an unfortunate truth that property owners need to take steps to ensure that their buildings are secure at all times. Whether you have a large vacant property or hold high-value equipment or data at your site overnight, it is important to take the correct measures.
When properties are left unsecured it can lead to squatters and travellers gaining entry and trespassing. This can be a frustrating and time-consuming situation to rectify; it is a much better idea to prevent the issue in the first place. Properties with expensive equipment can be the target of criminals, so it is vital to ensure it is protected around the clock.
Here are four important methods that you can use to keep your property secure. Some or all could be suitable for you, depending on your needs.
1 – Security patrol
One of the best ways to deter potential intruders to your site is to have it patrolled by guards. This is an effective method for both the detection of intruders as well as acting as a deterrent to those who are considering targeting your property.
A great option is to choose patrols with security dogs. Highly responsive and adaptable, teams with security dogs are more agile and intimidating than standard security patrols, and these teams can be a fantastic choice in protecting valuable equipment. However, it is important that these dogs are fully trained and work with an accredited handler.
2 – Fencing
Fencing can have a range of applications, for example as a safety precaution for the general public to avoid the risk of potentially trespassing on a dangerous site. However, fencing can also be an effective deterrent against criminal behaviour. Traditional steel palisade fencing acts as a strong visual indicator of a secure site, potentially warding off trespassers. These fences are highly durable, which makes them ideal as security.
If you need to make an area of your property inaccessible and also keep it secure for prying eyes, close board fencing could be an appropriate solution. As with steel fencing this can act as much as a deterrent simply from its presence – showing that you are serious about your physical security.
3 – CCTV
Another good option to keep your property secure is CCTV. This is a different form of security compared to a patrol or fencing – it can still act as a deterrent, but you will also need to put up clear signage to show that the property is covered by cameras.
Of course, CCTV can also function as a useful tool if you do suffer some sort of breach. The intruders can be easily identified, helping with investigations. This is a situation that no-one wants to be in, but it is always best to be prepared for the worst.
4 – Concrete barriers
It is also important to prevent access to your site in order to keep it as secure as possible. While concrete barriers won’t be able to keep people out entirely, they can provide a very useful function. This is that they will stop vehicles from being able to gain access to the vicinity of the property. This will make the site inaccessible for travellers looking for somewhere to stay, and also make it much more difficult for criminals to steal from the property.
At Maltaward we offer a full range of security measures for vacant property. If you are interested in learning more please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team today.